Greasomatic®96 single point automatic lubricators are the most cost-effective alternative to manual lubrication. In reality manual lubircation either doesn't get carried out enough or gets carried out too much.

Dependable, versatile and uncomplicated; the Greasomatic single-point lubricator is a proven problem-solver. Built to perform in a wide variety of applications.

This self-contained lubricator is powered by a simple chemical reaction. Upon activation, the combination of galvin and electrolyte creates a steady release of hydrogen gas which powers the piston to discharge the grease or oil of your choosing.

Easily programmed.

With no batteries, electronics or wiring necessary, the GREASOMATIC is easily programmed with the turn of a dial. Delivers 120cc's of lubricant in a controlled, continuous flow over a pre-selected period. Simply select one of the 7 settings available - from one to twelve months - based on need and operating temperature.

An economical solution to many of your lubrication needs, the GREASOMATIC can be effectively used in remote, difficult to reach, and harsh environments.

  • Built to withstand vibrations and moisture
  • May be mounted remotely for ease of access
  • Simply dispose empty lubricators with normal trash
Gr120 dial 24


This is provided to guard against the possibility of the GREASOMATIC being fitted unwittingly to a bearing with blocked greaseways.

Should the pressure built up by the GREASOMATIC prove insufficient to clear the blockage, the valve will open to allow the lubricant to escape and prevent excessive pressurisation of the GREASOMATIC.

The exudation of lubricant around the GREASOMATIC will serve as a warning that the greaseways are blocked and that no lubrication is taking place.

Pressure relief valve 2c

How it works

The GREASOMATIC® contains a mildly acidic organic liquid electrolyte contained in a hermetically sealed flexible rubber expan-

sion chamber. A patented adjustable zinc/molybdenum galvanic element is integrated with the control knob on the top of the

unit, which when introduced into the electrolyte will produce gas. Rotating the control knob on the top of the unit adjusts the

protrusion of a rod shaped electrode in the galvanic element. The amount of area the rod is exposed will determine the rate of

discharge of the GREASOMATIC®. Pressing the red button releases the galvanic element from the control knob and turning the

knob 10 to 12 times causes the element to drop into the electrolyte.

Unactive v2


Active v2